Zoey D Lawyer

the adventures of a young lawyer.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

looking for a law firm to work at

so this and last week I have been sending out my resume to law firms and so my waiting to hear back from them has begun.

So far the only place I heard from is Wolfram and Hart. I did an intership there, so I have an in and it is one of the biggest law firms in the world.

But I was un easy the whole time I was there. There was always something cataclizmic happening and the few times it was normal there was always an uneasy dark vibe. It was like the halls where a gate way to hell (and not just because of the clientele)

Thought their top lawyer was really cute. He shorta looked like the sexy bold Black guy on the Conviction.

He almost is enough to want to take the job but I'm still not sure if I should or not.


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