Zoey D Lawyer

the adventures of a young lawyer.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

looking for a law firm to work at

so this and last week I have been sending out my resume to law firms and so my waiting to hear back from them has begun.

So far the only place I heard from is Wolfram and Hart. I did an intership there, so I have an in and it is one of the biggest law firms in the world.

But I was un easy the whole time I was there. There was always something cataclizmic happening and the few times it was normal there was always an uneasy dark vibe. It was like the halls where a gate way to hell (and not just because of the clientele)

Thought their top lawyer was really cute. He shorta looked like the sexy bold Black guy on the Conviction.

He almost is enough to want to take the job but I'm still not sure if I should or not.

some lawyer links

I'm going to place some links to lawyers and lawyer related stuff here

US Lawyer Locator

The webs best online legal directory today: find-your-lawyer. Com! We make finding any law firm, attorney, or lawyer easier than ever. We also provide prospective lawyers with information regarding law school and every state bar exam.

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Russian Lawyer Ekatherine E. Kalaschnikova

Experienced russian family lawyer. Timely legal support on russian marriage, russian divorce, custody, child and spouse support , pre-nuptial agreements, appeals and more.

Find The Right Lawyer For You
A site full of great resources to help you find the right lawyer, or help with any other law situation you might have.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Zoey D’s after party (hot young lawyers getting down)

Aw man last night was blast. I think I don’t remember every thing.

To celebrate my passing the bar I went to some bars with a few of my friends. Some of which I knew from law school.

I ran into Brad who I knew my first year of law school. He is now a mesothelioma lawyer. He said it is a good field to practice law. All though there aren’t a lot of a cases the ones you get usually have a big pay off at the end. I know that makes me sound like a greedy lawyer but I am going to need the money to pay off law school and let not get into undergrad.

My girl Ainhoa got us kicked of Club Ca when she beat up a bouncer.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Hello welcome and I have good news

I passed the bar, I passed the bar!

After 3 years of law school and months studying for the test I am happy to say I am now officially a lawyer.

This is something I dreamed of since I was a little kid. Mainly because as a kid I was teased so much for my last name being lawyer that I wanted to be one to sue the paints off those Mothafreakas.

so Sally Broskwi and D'Anthony Jones I'll see your butts in court.

just kidding

really there is no bitterness, because it's like I'm Ice Cube, today was a good day. I'm going to call some friends to go out and celebrate because


see you guys later