Zoey D Lawyer

the adventures of a young lawyer.

Monday, January 05, 2009

laying down...the law.

Ah man, I'm facing some ill effects of the New Year's Party I went to. It seems I hooked up with another lawyer that works at my firm. I'm more ashamed of who I drunkenly hooked up with then the fact that I was so wasted. The guy is a jerk, in fact I'm not sure if he is 100% human.

worst is that I had to deal with this creep all day. just because we slept together once when we where both drunk doesn't mean I want to even see him again.

funny thing is that you would think a dude working in a law firm would be more aware about sexual harassment laws.

Saturday, January 03, 2009

returning D Law in a lawless land

a wow it's been nearly 2 years since I last wrote on this blog. I'm so sorry that I haven't posted in such a long time but I have been really busy since the last time I wrote here and this is really the first time since I really had the time to site down and write. I'll fill you in all later.

for those I don't really know or haven't kept in touch with over the years I took the job at Wolfram and Hart and boy is it hell over there.

at new years I party with a few friends and people I knew at the law firm. I'm still recovering but I had to go on trail the next day with the biggest hang over.